The Epidemic of Mind–Body Disorder by Jen

The Epidemic of Mind–Body Disorder. “Your health is an investment, not an expense.”

—Dr. Edward Group

What price are you willing to pay for repressing your unresolved and unexpressed emotions?

Did you know that repressed negative emotions play a detrimental role in your psychological well-being and physical health?

My view is holistic in approach with a spiritual orientation. Everything in the universe is energy, vibration, and frequency—thus, we are spirit first, human second.

In today’s ever-changing world, psychosomatic is merely inescapable for human conditions.

What is psychosomatic?

A psychosomatic condition is an unconscious emotional mind-body-induced illness—a destructive symbiotic relationship. Psychosomatic processes originate at the subconscious level. It is the unresolved and repressed part of your trauma that needs healing.

The renowned cell biologist Bruce Lipton states, “The subconscious mind runs your behavior and genetic biology over 95% of your everyday life.”

We have two minds: the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind actively controls just 5% of your everyday life. However, it is the creative mind that connects to your spirit—the spiritual essence of you.

On the other hand, the subconscious mind is the unconscious part of you that responds to life. It governs nearly every aspect of your life— thinking, decision-making, behavior, and actions.

The unconscious part of your brain acts like a sponge—it unbiasedly absorbs all the information in your environment. It learns behavior from other people (parents, siblings, family, teacher, preacher, community, programs on TV, movies, etc.), and this becomes part of you and your programming. The primary source of your programming is your parents.

“Your subconscious is running your life, which has a belief program from other people.”

Emotional Suppression

Did you know that your suppressed emotions can express themselves through physical pain, disorders, or dis-eases?

When anger is a forbidden expression, it is laden and very much present on the subconscious level. Over time, it accumulates, and the prohibition is built in because it has no outlet, which becomes a permanent part of the subconscious.

We know that the physical takes instructions from the subconscious mind. When a suitable medium or environment presents itself, these instructions can manifest as physical ailments.

The subconscious mind communicates to you through physical symptoms such as back pain, depression, heart-related issues, etc. It is trying to tell you to correct something that is out of alignment. Pain is typically the signal for you to address your emotional and mental imbalances.

In my personal experience, I used to suffer from chronic back pain from the accumulated unresolved mental and emotional debris. However, after I self-healed through releasing my trauma, my back issues vanished on their own.

The Body’s Subtle Energy Centers aka The Chakra System

When we enter physical life, our human bodies are equipped with seven intact main subtle energy centers. These energy centers are commonly known as chakras, a Sanskrit term.

“Chakra” means spinning wheel. These spinning wheels were discovered in India over 5,000 years ago and are a vital part of our physical well-being, spiritual development, and conscious evolution.

Each of the energy portals has its own consciousness. Their assigned color is associated with their specific frequency and vibration. Our vibrations are associated with mood and how we feel, while frequency refers to our state of consciousness.

Therefore, our vibrations influence our consciousness.

As the saying goes, “we become what we think about” as our thoughts become things.

Chakra point locations—a brief overview

From the base of the body’s spine upward to the top of the head are the seven energy centers: the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown.

These subtle energy points are vital to our health and wellness because they work together in unison and are indivisible in the body’s system. Our physical and emotional fitness depends on the health of the chakra system.

When they are opened and balanced, they create energetic harmony in the body-mind connection.

However, conversely, when they are closed and/or out of balance due to emotional imbalances, they can impose significant burdens and setbacks on our mental and physical wellness.

A glance at anger and the subtle energy connection

When you get angry, where in the body do you feel it? Anger begins in the abdominal region and then rises to the heart. Have you noticed that your heart rate increases in the heat of the moment?

The heart is the energy center of love. This is your command center, your power center. The heart is your manifestation center on creating your wants and desires.

The stomach region is the seat of anger and fear, and they are in the sacral-solar plexus chakra areas. This is where our personal power stems and creative juices originate.

Let’s take a glimpse into fear

The fear emotion contains a potency that is the opposite, with equal strength, to the power of love. Love frequency is the most potent in the universe!

When you are in the state of love, you are in the flow of life. When you are in the flow, you are in alignment with Creator-God.

Your fear is your ego—your shadow self.

“Fear leads to self-doubt, which is the worst enemy of creativity.”

—David Ogilvy

On an emotional level, fear induces anxiety and stress. Fear is felt at a physical level in the stomach.

When you experience fear, your stomach is usually tight and in knots, and your breathing is typically shallow. The body is in constant “flight or flight” mode, which causes the adrenal glands to fatigue, or burn out altogether.

When the adrenals become feeble, they can no longer perform their function properly. This entire process can cause a domino effect of kidney issues, as they are controlled by the adrenals.

The kidneys are responsible for toxicity filtration. Lack of filtration and the build-up of toxicity in the body can pose other complications such as kidney failure or kidney dis-ease. This all stems from emotional stress and unresolved issues.

Emotional imbalances can make you feel blocked from your creative juices and the flow of life.

At a physical level, you may experience frequent illness, chronic lower back pain, sciatica, gastric complaints, acid reflux, depression, reproductive issues, cramps, libido problems and bowel disorders. The symptoms are endless.

Anger Suppression & the Immune System

Suppressing anger is a significant concern because it directly affects the heart chakra. The heart-chakra is energetic electro mechanism circuitry that is continually sending signals throughout the body.

When the pressure builds over time, it disrupts the energy flow and causes blockages resulting in cardiac arrest or other heart conditions.

The stomach is widely known as the “second brain” and the center of the immune system.

Did you know that you lower your immune system for six hours when you are angry?

You need robust immunity to defend you from foreign invaders such as harmful bacteria, fungi, and pathogens, to keep you healthy and living well.

However, unfortunately, our immune system is under constant environmental assault from both the seen and the unseen. The unrelenting mind chatter—negative thoughts and self-talk—are unseen, plus the tangibles—the food we eat, and the types of water or beverages we consume.

For example, gluten from wheat is a known poison and can cause significant issues to the stomach. Some experience bloating, constipation, discomfort, pain, PMS, brain fog, memory loss, irritability, mood swings, and skin issues.

One of the most significant assaults on human health comes from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Glyphosate, herbicides, and pesticides are some of the main ingredients in GMOs, and they are a known poison—a slow kill to the human body-mind. GMOs damage the cells while simultaneously depressing the immune system, which results in countless disorders and ailments.

Furthermore, GMO foods play a pivotal role in loosening the tight junction in the stomach lining. This barrier keeps digested and undigested food from seeping into the bloodstream—this is known as a leaky gut syndrome.

GMO foods are one of the leading causes of cancer cell development and proliferation in the stomach or elsewhere in the body where there is weakness.

What is the solution?

The solution is to seek anger management. Find someone to help you release your unresolved and repressed emotions.

Begin the process of elimination. First, release and reduce the stress level in your body and mind. Then, remove anything or anyone toxic and causing harm to you, your body, and your mind—anything that does not serve your best and highest good.

I know giving up the food you love and enjoy can be challenging. However, the process of elimination can be life-changing!

Removing processed foods, fast foods, canned goods, sodas, energy drinks, artificial and processed sugars, alcohol, and fluoridated water and introducing more organic living foods into your diet can quickly turn your health around.

You’ll see the weight coming off, brain fog diminishing, moods lifting, and much more goodness. When you give the body what it needs—the right information, nutrition, and some TLC, the body can and will heal itself.

Detoxifying the mental, emotional, and physical body is the key to returning the body to a calm and undisturbed mind, and the heart and its state of love can then also support good health.

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